Thierry Tchenko for U.S. Senate

Organizations and leaders all across Texas standing together for A New Way Forward!

Photo of <p>The 134 PAC</p>

The 134 PAC

Largest democratic rural organization in texas

"Thierry is the only candidate for state-wide office since Ann Richards to so completely incorporate all of Texas, including rural Texas, into his campaign and made it part of his strategy... We urge all Rural Democrats to vote for Thierry Tchenko."

Photo of <p>Bexar County Young Democrats</p>

Bexar County Young Democrats

Represents 2nd largest county in texas

"Our members believe that progressive change starts with ensuring that career politicians are held accountable for not delivering results for Texans. Thierry brings a new perspective and will deliver results,,,he will push for A New Way Forward...and change the lives left behind by Ted Cruz."

Photo of <p>Harris County Young Democrats</p>

Harris County Young Democrats

represents largest county in texas

Photo of <p>Asian-American Democrats of Texas</p>

Asian-American Democrats of Texas

leading organization for aapi democrats in texas

"Thierry has demonstrated a dedication to our Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities, embodying a strong commitment to progressive values. AADT proudly stands behind and wholeheartedly supports his campaign."

Photo of <p>Carla Schoonover Porter</p>

Carla Schoonover Porter


"I can tell you that Thierry is the real deal. You know when you meet someone that is different and special. He has a servant's heart. He is smart, kind, and compassionate AND has a plan for Texas. God knows we need him!"

Photo of <p>Constable Christopher Bates</p>

Constable Christopher Bates

jefferson county constable

"Thierry's love for people, ability to listen, and willingness to serve is what we need to progress this State and Nation forward."

Photo of <p>Mayor Tony Villarreal</p>

Mayor Tony Villarreal

fORMER mayor of Fort stockton

"He is showing up all over the state in communities that haven't gotten attention in a long time...His vision for Texas isn't about himself but it's about the people. Thierry has a true servant's heart and Texas needs that in the U.S. Senate."

Photo of <p>Commissioner Kendric Jones</p>

Commissioner Kendric Jones

wALLER COUNTY Commissioner

"Thierry understands the issues facing Waller County and the entire state. He has demonstrated through entire career that he is determined to make a difference for our communities. I'm proud to give Thierry my support."

Photo of Endorser

"We were impressed with the 29-year-old Tchenko's thoughtfulness on policy and political matters, including a surprisingly frank assessment that an urban-over-rural focus of many Democrats has hurt the party with rural voters."

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